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Monitoring with BlueNet software

With an integrated Ethernet interface, the BlueNet software provides the basis for monitoring data worldwide with standard browsers via internet.

Remote monitoring

We provide you with a corresponding MIB file (MIB: management information base) for implementing BlueNet PDUs in a higher-level monitoring or DCIM system (DCIM: data centre infrastructure management). So you can always keep an eye on your PDUs, as the smart PDUs deliver the latest status information in real time. You can then respond easily and immediately with automated actions via the DCIM system.

Communication is encrypted and complies with the applicable security standards, enabling you to make any settings for threshold values, network parameters or alerts. For example, if a particular threshold value is reached, an alert can be e-mailed to the responsible employee‘s smartphone so appropriate measures can be taken straightaway if necessary. In addition, control via the command line interface or SNMP is also possible, in order to connect to existing or higher-level systems.

Access rights to the PDU can be defined on a user-specific basis and restricted to read-only data access, for example. Only the administrator has full read and write access. The administrator can create other users and define their rights at the PDU level.


Latest status information in real time


Automatic alerts, e.g. of e-mails


Connection to existing systems


BlueNet Service

Services specifically tailored to these intelligent PDUs are available for BlueNet products.